My buddy wrote a blog Own Your Penis on his Raid My Words about giving his teenage brother advice on sex. I thought I might throw my own advice out there based on my own empirical data. In talking with many women, they don't care about length as long as it's 6 inches or bigger, but they do care about girth. Since the average vagina is only 5 inches deep but looseness may vary, men care more about girth too. A big dick (8 inches or bigger) can feel good because it's big and hits places no other man can hit. A thick dick is even better because it fills her. But a good dick feels good because he knows how to work what he has and make her feel things no other man has made her feel. The man with the big dick can do less but still please her, whereas the other man has to learn to put in the effort to satisfy her. The same goes for women. A good looking woman may just lie there and make you do all the work because she thinks she can be lazy since she looks good and it's the man's job to please her. A good, or maybe it’s bad, woman will work the shit out of your dick, but may not look the best. Which would you prefer? The same even goes for hearts and relationships too. Aren’t many things in life ultimately about dedication and effort? Your dick is a muscle so it does get bigger the more you use it, masturbation included. But we're not talking inches growth in length, more like millimeters. But it does gain girth because the muscle gets stronger. Look at your biceps, they don't get longer but they do get thicker with workouts. That being said, 5 minutes into your sock isn't working out and we're talking full arousal high intensity exercise, not just a release. Look at the people who pick up weights with their penis, it can be trained. Teenage girls don't know what good dick is just as teenage boys don't know what good pussy is. Do you trust teenagers for advice on good food, best investments, or music selections? We all discover quality later in life with a mutually explorative partner or from an older, more experienced lover. A great lover is made, not born. Someone turns you out and you will turn someone out, just as you will break someone's heart and someone will break yours. It's cyclical like that, especially when you realize later in life that there's less than 6, or sometimes 2, degrees of sexual partners with the girl you want to fuck and the person you most hate in the entire world. Condoms are a must until you reach the emotional maturity to understand what the hell you're doing to each other or until you acquire some financial security to either provide for a little one when you inevitably mess up or afford the cocktail of pills keeping you alive. It's a two-fold purpose: protect yourself and don't procreate what you can't afford. Not to be a debbie downer, but using a condom doesn't protect against herpes and HPV because it's possible the infected skin areas are not on her vagina. It's less than 100% effective against gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, and HIV because, besides the possibility of breaking, the skin above your dick and your balls are not covered by latex and the women's vaginal secretions can easily end up on either. If you have a cut on your finger and finger her, or have a cut in your mouth and go down on her, it's putting a direct open wound in contact with a potential source of infection which is what latex condoms are used to prevent since the skin on your dick is so thin it's prone to micro-abrasions which provide a direct opening to your blood. Think it's bad for a man, it's worse for a woman which is why women have higher infection rates in heterosexual relationships than men. But it's not as bad as the anus which rips and tears frequently and easily, which is why gay men have the highest rates of infection. Scared yet? Then just wait. As for lasting long enough, it depends on the woman. Some want a man who runs marathons and some prefer sprinters. It's real simple to find out what she likes. Ask. Otherwise, if she cuddles or falls asleep after, you lasted long enough. If she pulls out a toy to finish herself off, complains you should have waited, or has enough energy to dance around or otherwise act up then you didn't last long enough. If she's begging you to cum, has gotten dry, or has started thinking, talking about, or doing other things while still in the act then you're lasting too long. It's only a problem if you cum as soon as you put it in, within about 2 min, all the time every time. Then you have premature ejaculation and you should jerk off every day, twice a day to learn how your dick works. The average encounter is around 5-10 minutes of foreplay followed by around 10-20 minutes of sex for a grand total of 15-30 minutes. The women's anatomy requires 10-15 minutes for complete arousal whereas the man’s only requires about 1-5 minutes, hence the foreplay catch-up. If she's thinking about her mom's stern words, that she's only doing it because you want to, or what people will think about her when they find out, then she's not going to get fully aroused, nevermind orgasm. A woman's orgasm originates in her mind, so until you've properly gained access to her mind, your abilities are handicapped. Some women are open to anyone, but understand the territory you chart has been charted by others before and will continue to be charted by others after. Lastly, if you care about her and she cares about you then both of you can explore each other freely and comfortably. But if grown adults can’t seem to do that without introducing their own baggage, why would teenagers have better luck? Perhaps the difference is expectations and awareness, but to be honest you’re better off waiting for the right partner you’ve been dating for at least 3-6 months so there’s no pressure to be the best the first time and there’s no rush to finally do it. Believe me, as you get older it only gets easier to get laid and more complicated.
Re: Own Your Penis
Updated: May 3, 2020